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Massage Therapy

Therapeutic massage – commonly referred to as massage therapy – focuses on rehabilitation and recovery. This form of massage provides relief, whether from chronic pain, an injury, or another specific ailment.

What is massage therapy?

When I talk about massage therapy, I am referring to the Western model of therapeutic, soft tissue massage.

(Looking for relaxation massage? You’ll want my Swedish massage page instead.)

During a massage therapy session, a variety of different methods and techniques of bodywork are used. The goal of therapeutic massage is to optimize the health and function of the body.

In practical terms, massage therapy is commonly used to bring about rehabilitation and recovery. Often I use massage therapy to help clients treat a specific problem.

We may focus on:

  • Repairing damage caused by an injury, or...
  • Treating an ailment, such as chronic back pain or headaches.

Massage therapy can also be used in a preventive manner. This is particularly appropriate for helping high-performing individuals, such as athletes, perform at their best.

The role of soft tissue in massage

I find massage therapy to be a powerful and valuable addition to my massage toolbox.

Western massage therapy provides me with a strong medical model that is built around understanding, treating, and caring for soft tissue. (Soft tissue includes muscle, connective tissue, tendons, joints, and ligaments.)

Put another way, RMT training provides a practical and scientific knowledge of soft tissue.

The knowledge provided by massage therapy helps answer questions such as:

  • Where is the muscle located?
What does the muscle do?

  • How does the muscle feel when it is well?

  • How does the muscle feel when is it in need of rehabilitation?

You may have noticed these are very practical questions. That’s one of the main benefits of massage therapy. It provides very real answers to very real questions.

Okay, I can hear you thinking...“But why is this important? How does it help treat my problem?”

Put simply, this knowledge gives me direction. It helps me to read your body. It helps me understand the state of your soft tissue, of your musculature. This knowledge gives me a roadmap to follow to repair damaged tissue.

And that means you get an effective, efficient recovery plan.

As an RMT who practices in Ontario, my profession is regulated by the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario. They work to maintain standards and govern the conduct of RMTs within our province.

Yvonne Osondu, RMT

How is massage therapy performed?

Massage therapy is a therapeutic method of hands-on bodywork. In Canada, massage therapy is administered by a Registered Massage Therapist, also known as an RMT.

RMTs use their hands to manipulate the body to improve overall health. A particular focus is given to the muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, and joints. These are known collectively as soft tissues.

To gain their certification, RMTs in Ontario go through rigorous, hands-on training. Many RMTs (myself included) continue their education year after year to stay on top of new techniques and scientific studies.

Massage therapy techniques

Part of the training to become an RMT includes learning bodywork methods and techniques. During a massage, different techniques are used to solve different problems.

You may have heard of some of these techniques. They include:

  • Trigger-point therapy (also known as neuromuscular therapy)

  • Muscle energy technique (MET)

  • Myofacial release

  • Therapeutic exercise
  • Sports massage

  • Pregnancy massage

Don’t worry, you don’t need to remember which technique does what!

Just know that each technique offers different benefits, often with differing levels of pressure. I commonly use more than one technique during a single massage therapy appointment. It all depends on your unique situation.

No two massage appointments are exactly alike. I draw upon all of my education and experience to create an individual treatment plan designed just for you.

Remember, regardless of the techniques I use, my goal stays the same: to provide you with the most effective care possible.

Did you know?

As the name suggests, massage therapy is a therapeutic style of massage. Often it is used to treat a specific problem, such as back pain or headaches.

Benefits of massage therapy

During a massage therapy appointment we are usually focused on helping you treat a specific issue.

For example, your treatment goals may include:

  • Rehabilitation from a recent or recurring injury
Recovery from chronic muscular pain
  • Reduction of pain caused by inflammation
  • Increasing joint mobility/flexibility
  • Reduced physical and mental fatigue (often caused by stress)

Massage therapy can help you meet these goals.

Some of the work we do will focus on:

  • Relaxing soft tissues, such as muscles and tendons
  • Improving the flow of blood and energy to affected areas
  • Increasing the rate of healing of damaged tissue
  • Repairing the overall functions of different systems to promote natural well-being

Everyone is different. We all have different bodies, different ailments, and we live different lives. But in my experience I find that the benefits of massage therapy are felt my almost everyone.

I witness these benefits first-hand, again and again.

During follow-up, I hear feedback such as...

  • “I have less pain/discomfort
  • “I’m sleeping better than I have in years”
  • “I feel less stress and anxiety”
  • “I’ve had fewer and less intense headaches”
  • “My mobility and posture
 have improved”
  • “I just feel... better

Healthy tissue doesn’t hurt

Are you living with pain, stress, or anxiety? Do you carry around stiffness, inflammation, or fatigue? It’s time to book a massage therapy session. Life is too short to not feel your best.

To book a treatment, call 416.482.4137 or use the button below to book online.

Book your treatment

Massage therapy can help you get started along the road to recovery and rehabilitation. Together we can guide you to long-term wellness!

– Massage Therapy – Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can you help me decide which service is best for my needs?

    Absolutely! The more info you can provide me the better I can help you determine a treatment plan.

    Think about the experience you’d like to have.

    Maybe relaxation and/or stress relief is what you need. Or perhaps you have a very specific issue such as a back ache, or a recent occurrence such as a stiff neck or injury.

    Don't hesitate to contact me before booking a treatment so we can determine the best plan for your needs.

  • What should I wear to my appointment?

    Wear clothing that you are comfortable in.

    If you prefer to be clothed during your massage you can do so without restriction. If you prefer to remove clothing, you will be covered throughout the entire treatment. Only the area being massaged will be undraped.

    If your service is a hand or foot treatment you will be clothed. I still suggest you wear stretchy pants or top so that you can roll up your sleeve or pant. This gives access to as much skin surface as possible without cutting off circulation or getting oil on your clothes.

  • Will my treatment hurt? Will I be sore afterwards?

    It depends – everyone has a different response to pressure.

    The important thing to remember is that you are in charge. I can adjust the depth and pressure of the massage at any time. I encourage you to communicate your needs during your treatment.

    The amount of pressure that is comfortable for you may depend on what we are working on. For example, you may be able to tolerate deep pressure on your feet, but a lighter pressure on your shoulder.

    So you only have to speak up. I want you to feel comfortable to share your needs with me throughout your session.

    After some treatments you may experience a little pain. This is normal. I will provide you with instructions on what to do to for after care.

  • Do I need to fill out an intake form?

    If it is your first visit, yes. Our industry requires that you complete a thorough health history to assure both of us that it is safe to massage you.

    You can fill out the form in one of three ways:

    Option 1: Complete the form online.
    After you have booked an appointment, you will get a confirmation email with a link to the online intake form.

    Option 2: Print and fill out the form at home.
    You can download the intake form from this page. Remember to bring the completed form to your appointment!

    Option 3: Fill it out at the clinic.
    If you haven't already filled it out, a paper copy will be provided for you prior to the start of our session.

    Have you seen me before? I ask that you update your existing file to inform me of the nature of your visit and the focus of the session. This will give me more time to spend administering treatment during your appointment.

Massage Therapy Packages & Pricing

Need a hand choosing a package? No problem! Please contact us before booking.

We’ll chat and make sure you select the package that is right for you.

  • Massage Therapy

    Whether your need is to have a moment of relaxation, reduce muscle tension or attain relief from chronic pain, there are tremendous benefits to be achieved through regular massage therapy treatments.

    *Massage therapy rates are based on practitioner.

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    • 30 minutes $70+
    • 45 minutes $90+
    • 60 minutes $125+
    • 75 minutes $140+
    • 90 minutes $160+
View all packages

*All pricing includes HST. Rates subject to change without notice.
Many packages blend different techniques and will be tailored to your needs. Have a question? Please contact us before booking.